Tuesday, May 1, 2007

"Nelson Mandela and Apartheid"

Apartheid was a racial segregation policy in South Africa`s government . When this system was in effect, blacks, colored, mixed and Indians didn`t have the same rights that the whites did . When apartheid became a major issue, several organizations were formed to stop it . These organizations included the African National Congress (ANC) and United Democratic Front (UDF) . One of the major members of the ANC was Nelson Mandela . Mandela was put in jail because of his work against Apartheid. Nelson Mandela had helped organize strikes against apartheid but was later sentenced to a life in prison. While in prison Mandela continued to try and stop apartheid.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. When he was released he continued his work. He was able to weaken apartheid in 5 years because of his continuious strikes and riots. He was elected president of South Africa and ended Apartheid. People in South Africa saw Mandela as a hero because now he ended apartheid and people could be treated as equals. At this time the blacks could have just as much power as the whites.

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