Monday, May 7, 2007

"Creation Of Israel"

Zionism was a worldwide Jewish movement that ended up in the establishment and development of Israel. After the creation of Israel many conflicts began between the new country and its neighboring countries. Israel was surrounded by Arab countries such as Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. In 1948, the independent country was attacked by several countries which included Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. This war lasted almost a year before decisions were made to solve the problem. These decisions ended with the creation of an agreement known as the Rhodes Armistice. An Armistice is a compromise, but even with this in effect the countries still had their differences. The differences among the countries, mostly between Israel and Palestine, was that the Arabs that made up Palestine felt that they should have been given the same things the Jews were given. The Palestinians believe that their God gave them that land , but the Jews had the same belief. These beliefs are one of the main causes of conflict between these countries to this day.

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