Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson:"Schindler 's List"

The movie "Schindler's List", illustrated the Holocaust as a horrifying massacre and basically a real life view of history. The Nazi's butchered the Jews in a mean but effective way. The way they killed off people was disgraceful and cruel.The scenes that were most powerful was when the Nazi executed people with guns, usually shots to the head. There was one at the working camp and the women was killed because she was an intelligent jew. Another killing that took place at a working camp also was very powerful to me because an old man was killed for no reason. It is scary to know that cruel people have power over your life that way. The images of all the dead bodies and executed people will stay in my mind for a while. The burn and scarred bodies of some people, and the others with a bullet hole in their heads.

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