Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson:"Night and Fog"

I believe the movie "Night and Fog", was a bit less disturbing then "Schindler's List". It was real footage of what happened during the Holocaust and the dead bodies. I didn't find it as bad as "Schindler's List" because it didn't show the horror in action, just the aftermath of it. "Night and Fog" seemed to me like a watered down version of "Schindler's List". I really believe that Hollywood version of the Holocaust illustrated it better then the documentary. For example, the scene in "Schindler's List" where the Jews are packed into the train made me feel bad for them. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to be jam packed into a train full of people, dying of thirst and hunger, and about to collapse from a heat stroke. In the documentary, the Jews didn't look like they were going through so much.Both movies were still very dramatic and powerful, making the viewer feel sympathy for the Jews and those who had their lives taken at the Holocaust.

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