Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty Of Versailles(ended WWI)

The Treaty of Versailles affected Germany in a negative way. The Treaty blamed Germany for World War I. Due to all of the blame, Germany had to pay composition to all of the opposing countries that lost soldiers and money due to the war. All of Germany's oversea territories were taken away. These punishments and more had dissolved Germany into a weaker country.

Historians believe that the Treaty Of Versailles led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. I believe historians say this because The Treaty Of Versailles crippled Germany. The Germans needed a strong leader. Hitler was cruel and insane, yet he was still a strong and able leader. He was succesful in unifying the Germans.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal(Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal, the first president of Turkey, tried to modernize Turkey and make it more secular. One reform he made was getting rid of the fez.The fez was a form of headgear worn by the muslim people of Turkey. He felt that it looked ridculous and it wasn't fitting for modernization. He wanted the men to wear a shirt with a tie, and a new form of headwear, called a hat. The hat had a brim and looked like the hats Americans wore in the 1920-1930. He also felt that the covering of women's faces in public and the custom of hiding away from other men in the street was primitive. He claimed that the people had to get rid of that custom. Secular in the dictionary is defined as "not pertaining to or connected with religion". That is somewhat what Mustafa Kamal tried to use in Turkey.